Friday, 24 February 2012


A semi-quick piece: some 20' for the first rough sketch (see below), then a couple hours this evening.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Acrylic tinies

To my surprise, my old tubes of acrylic paint (bought in 2003!) are still alive. They are big plastic ones and could surely last for a few more paintings. I had a couple smaller metallic tubes, too, but those are bone-dry.

I tried them yesterday evening on these itty bitty (9x6cm) pieces of canvas. Fun times! I'm a lot more comfortable with acrylics' drying times as opposed to oils'. I still attacked the first two with a hair dryer, though.

I'm also realising that my scanner is not handling reds very well. I always have to colour-correct my scans, and it's always the reds that are most skewed.

Edit: here they are, sitting snugly on my desk shelf! :)

Saturday, 4 February 2012


I had aimed to make this a very quick sketch, to force myself to put in only what was necessary and keep my forms simple - that took some 20', with relative success.

A little while later I gave in to temptation and spent another 20' adding a bit of texture, though. :)

Reference from Elandria.